Coronavirus Protocols


Water at Work is open and our main priority is to provide a professional, safe service for our Customers, adhering to all Government Guidelines, and following on-going Covid-19 Risk Assessments. Water at Work adheres to rigorous hygiene and distancing protocols which are in place to help ensure the safety of our Customers and our Team.

Particularly during this Pandemic, advice is to stay hydrated because it helps to keep the immune system strong. Dry throat, irritation in the nasal cavity and other symptoms are markers for the coronavirus. This is one reason why it is important to keep drinking plenty of water and stay hydrated. The key is to release more and more toxins from your body. By flushing out the body multiple times throughout the day, it prevents the virus from establishing a foundation.

With this and the importance of having quality water in mind, I thought it would be useful to outline the Covid-19 protocols that we have in place here at Water at Work.

Vehicle Regime
1) Delivery vehicles are all regularly stripped down, valeted and sanitised. The new normal is that vehicles do not carry extra supplies and all cabs are operated by just one Engineer, 2 drivers in 1 vehicle will NOT occur from Water at Work. Each cab is also hygienically wiped throughout, at the start of the day, half way through and at the end of the day.

2) All Engineers have PPE which includes masks, visors, gloves and personal sanitiser, and adhere to social distancing. As lifting water bottles is a strenuous activity the masks and gloves are worn in line with common sense and Client guidelines.

3) Goods can be taken into your office and left by your Watercoolers or left at a designated drop spot. Delivery notes can be signed behalf of Clients and copies left or emailed.

Sanitisations can be pre-booked with Clients to ensure safe access. Please contact our office on 01949 831094 and make us aware of your specific access requirements.

Client Callouts Whilst we endeavour to get to Clients asap, the new delivery protocols mean that Drivers will not carry spare parts and any request to visit an Office will need to be booked in. In the past if we have had a Driver in the area, we may have been able to attend that day, this service may not be available, in line with the Covid-19 protocols.

Depot Regime
1) On arrival, temperature is taken. At lunch time and at end of day, EVERY desk station, including chair, computer, keyboard and phone is cleaned with hospital quality wipes.
2) Building entrances have external disinfectant spray and wipes to be used on the door handles and keypads whenever access is used.
3) On arrival and throughout the day, EVERYONE must thoroughly wash their hands.
4) Hospital quality wipes, single use gloves, masks, visors and alcohol hand sanitiser are provided for all staff and are used in communal areas, for getting drinks/food, cleaning etc.

Tanya Cornford, Managing Director, November 2020.